An evening of quieted dance, movement and ritual honoring the season.
Spots limited.
Pre-registration required at button below.
LOCATION: Move Studio
DATE: December 19th
TIME: 6:00 pm - 8:15pm
PRICE: $25 per session - no one turned away
This is a 6-week Committed Series. Attendance at all sessions is requested. Missing one session can be arranged.
Cultural Soma explores how socio-political and historical contexts influence our embodiment. How has our social conditioning limited or promoted specific patterns of sensation, movement, gesture, use of space? To what extent have these patterns become habitual, and how conscious are we of them? If our embodiment is shaped by society, can we reshape society by transforming ourselves?
What is “Critically-Conscious Dance”?
The term "Conscious Dance" was coined by Mark Metz, a DJ and entrepreneur, who founded the publication Conscious Dancer in 2007. It came to describe any unchoreographed, intention-driven movement practice conducted in a group setting where drugs and alcohol are not permitted. Practices like the 5Rhythms often fall under this umbrella term.
Critical consciousness, a concept developed by Brazilian educator, activist, and theorist Paulo Freire, involves questioning the socio-political and historical contexts in which one lives to understand, transform, and be liberated from them.
In Critically-Conscious Dance, we build on foundational elements of Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms to question how socio-political and historical contexts inevitably move within us, between us, and shape our dance floors.
LOCATION: Move Studio
DATES: Thursdays September 12, 19, 26 + October 3, 17, 24
TIME: 6:00 pm - 8:15 pm
PRICE: $150 no one turned away.
Randy Miller (He/Him) identifies as mixed heritage, Mexican/European descent queer/gay. He is a certified Soul Motion® Facilitator since 2011 and a 1st Degree Black Belt Nia® Teacher since 1999. Randy’s intention as a movement facilitator is driven by the desire to hold a safe and sacred space for dancers searching to become whole again, and finding a place of unconditional love and acceptance. He
Stepping into the unfamiliar comes with a sense of risk. What is going to happen? How will I fare in this uncharted experience? What could be lost or changed forever?
It also comes with tremendous promise and possibility. Visions, dreams, longings and wishes have the potential to be realized. Creativity and opportunity are omnipresent. Liberation has its chance.
The edge between known and unknown
The word "emotion" is rooted in the Latin word emovere, which means "to move out." This definition highlights the process we will explore in this mini-workshop: tracing the sensory cues of emotion from their origin within the body to their outward expression as full-bodied motion—a dance.
We will use the 5Rhythm’s Wave and Heartbeat maps as our guide Flowing-Fear, Staccato-Anger, Chaos-Greif, Lyrical-Joy, Stillness-Compassion.
Some prior experience in 5Rhythms or other instructed embodiment practice / movement meditation requested.
LOCATION: TaoSatva Dance and Healing Arts Studio. 2 Upper las Colonias Rd, El Prado NM, 87529.
DATE: December 5th, 2024
TIME: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
PRICE: Preregistration $35. $40 at the door.
A Soul Motion Odyssey with Randy Miller.
On this day of honoring, let us come together to share our dance with those who have come before us and those who will follow.
This ceremonial time will weave passages of movement, pause, witness and story. An invitational space to be in the presence of what is happening within oneself - moving with joy, love, peace, grief, forgiveness... all is welcomed.
Please bring a photo of your loved one/s if you are called, or a sacred object to add to our co-created altar of loving memories.
LOCATION: The Railyard Performance Center
DATE: November 2nd, 2024
TIME: 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
PRICE: Sliding Scale $45 -$65
Randy Miller (He/Him) identifies as mixed heritage, Mexican/European descent queer/gay. He is a certified Soul Motion® Facilitator since 2011 and a 1st Degree Black Belt Nia® Teacher since 1999. Randy’s intention as a movement facilitator is driven by the desire to hold a safe and sacred space for dancers searching to become whole again, and finding a place of unconditional love and acceptance. He believes dance and embodiment practices allow us to become liberated fellow human beings anchored in our heart place
Soul Motion is a somatic movement practice which cultivates the qualities of being present, grounded, centered, balanced, creative, active receptive, heart centered - and anchors them in the body. We embody these qualities in movement on the dance floor to live them on the world floor in our every day lives.